How you can get involved
Why do I bother?
Why do I bother , it’s back again the next day
Why do I bother, no one gives a damn so why should I
Why do I bother it won’t change & never will
Why do I bother ,is what I ask myself now & again
I bother because what I pick today WON’T be there tomorrow
I bother because there’s millions of us that do give a damn & our numbers are increasing daily
I bother because if WE DON’T WHO WILL
I bother because I bloody enjoy being part of one of many groups that are bothered
I bother to make it safer for wildlife, pets & animals in fields
I bother because seeing litter is depressing
I bother as I get exercise, fresh air & a chance to clear my mind
I bother because I now have lots of new friends that share the same attitude as me
I bother because I KNOW CHANGE WILL COME
I bother because I love making a difference
I bother because of the great sense of achievement I feel afterwards
I bother because